Creating a Cadre of Supply Chain Professionals in Angola’s Ministry of Health

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GHSC-PSM is launching a Post-Graduate Specialization in Health Supply Chain Management in April 2019 at the National School of Public Health
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During the last two years, the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project has been working closely with Angola’s Ministry of Health (MOH) to optimize public health supply chain management. The initial focus of support included improvements to data quality, reporting, and quantification, advocacy for the adoption of an electronic logistics information system, and implementation of standard operating procedures for warehouse management. During implementation, GHSC-PSM and the MOH identified skill and knowledge gaps among supply chain staff that called for investments in human resources to more effectively manage public health supply chains.  

Angola’s Minister of Health, Dr. Silvia Lutucuta, announces the program to the news media.  Photo credit: Julia Perri/GHSC-PSM
Angola’s Minister of Health, Dr. Silvia Lutucuta, announces the program to the news media. Photo credit: Julia Perri/GHSC-PSM
Angola’s Minister of Health, Dr. Silvia Lutucuta, announces the program to the news media. Photo credit: Julia Perri/GHSC-PSM
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GHSC-PSM conducted an evaluation of the MOH’s supply chain staff that informed the design of a curriculum for health supply chain professionals in Angola. To ensure sustainability, senior-level Ministry staff will serve as course facilitators, and the MOH and Gavi the Vaccine Alliance will provide ongoing funding for 12-month post-graduate program, including 1,500 hours and 60 credits of instruction. 

The Post-graduate Specialization in Integrated Health Supply Chain Management is divided into 20 modules, including integrated supply chain management, transportation and fleet management, quantification, human resources and leadership, and cold chain management. Two of the 20 modules are dedicated to the practical application of models, methods and strategies that students have learned in the course to challenges they identify in their workplaces.  GHSC-PSM is funding instructors to teach two modules of the course, and project staff will support other modules. The project is providing additional support, including supporting provincial staff to attend the course, reproducing materials, providing a workforce development specialist to help oversee management of the course, and hosting an online curriculum platform.  

The first cohort of 37 MOH staff participating in the post-graduate certificate program were selected based several criteria, including at least five years of experience in logistics and supply chain management, a bachelor’s degree is an appropriate field of study, and a passing grade on an admissions test. The course, which is conducted at the National School of Public Health, began on April 22, 2019 and will conclude March 2020. 

GHSC-PSM continues to work with the MOH’s Department of Human Resources to establish a professional supply chain career pathway within the Ministry. With the establishment of the supply chain program, the MOH will recruit for qualified professionals for senior-level positions who have graduated from the program and meet other criteria for supply chain positions, avoiding the misplaced use of pharmacists, drivers, or nurses in warehousing and other supply chain positions.