![Instrument Procurement Justification Form Image](/sites/default/files/2022-01/Instrument%20Procurement%20Justification%20Form%20Image.png)
Purpose: GHSC-PSM has a special procedure to approve the justification for procurement of certain special laboratory commodities as funded by USAID/W to ensure appropriate plans and preparations have been addressed. Applicable commodities include anything that comes with a warranty, connected to electricity, and/or requires additional maintenance including the following:
- Viral Load/EID, machines and reagent
- Additional instruments, for CD4, TB, PIMA etc. not reagents
- Incinerators, autoclaves
- Centrifuges
- Cold chain equipment i.e. refrigerator, deep freeze facilities
- Biosafety cabinets
- New products
Procedure: The Client (POC at recipient) or Proxy (GHSC-PSM field office) provides answers to the 12 questions using the scoring matrix and also provides detailed and supporting information to the answers using the text box provided in each question. Detailed explanation must be provided on budget, site readiness, training/installation, and service and maintenance. The completed form and all supporting documents should be GHSC-PSM Laboratory Team at HSS_Lab_HQ@ghsc-psm.org.