While Thailand has an effective online Malaria Information System (MIS), most malaria commodity stock reports are still paper based, which limits the ability to capture real-time, accurate stock data. Working with the Division of Vector-Borne Diseases (DVBD), USAID GHSC-PSM supported the development of an application called PSM Online, which helps fill the gap in stock data by providing malaria logistics reporting and analysis, as well as the monitoring of stock status for effective decision-making.
To meet the target launch, USAID GHSC-PSM ran a series of virtual simulation trainings from June-August 2021 among DVBD users. In September 2021, PSM Online went live at the central warehouse, allowing DVBD to retroactively encode products received and distributed from October 2020, and register daily transactions online thereafter; monitor expiry dates; and generate reports, such as on monthly central warehouse inventory data and products distributed to various warehouses and stores.
Given limitations in conducting in-person trainings due to COVID-19, the series of virtual trainings USAID GHSC-PSM conducted safely and effectively prepared DVBD users for the launch of PSM Online. While USAID’s support in improving malaria logistics data visibility in Thailand is ongoing, PSM Online’s launch is the first step in this process.
The wider implementation of the PSM Online tool will allow decision makers to make sound decisions that will result in improved forecasting, budgeting, procurement, supply, and management of malaria commodities; cost reduction for the government from stockout and wastage and the insurance of more reliable commodity levels to maintain patient treatment outcomes at the community level. Additionally, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, electronic systems enable logistics data to update in real-time, without relying on the need to transport paper-based reports.