Webinar: Emergency Supply Chain Response in the Context of COVID-19

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As COVID-19 continues to spread, the stakes become particularly high for countries that have not prepared their supply chains in advance for major disruptions. Resources like fuel, vehicles, and healthy staff become harder to access or mobilize, and in turn the health system’s ability to provide routine health care will face even greater challenges that require stronger systems.

The USAID Global Health Supply Chain (GHSC) Program  held a webinar on Wednesday April 8 on addressing what emergency supply chain preparedness is and why it matters. Presenters also discussed how the Emergency Supply Chain Playbook can help countries prepare for and deploy the necessary systems and tools to respond to major disruptions like COVID-19 and other "black swan" events.

The webinar is available below and the presentation can be downloaded here

Netsy Woldesemait, Burundi PMU Manager & ESC Playbook Coordinator, GHSC-PSM
Matt Craven, MD, Partner & Infectious Diseases Lead, McKinsey & Company
Parfait Edah, Country Director – Burkina Faso, GHSC-PSM

For more resources related to COVID-19, download and view the following materials:

For more ESC resources click here. For questions, please contact HSSOperations@ghsc-psm.org