Reproductive Health

USAID estimates 225 million women in developing countries want to postpone or stop childbearing, but lack access to modern methods of contraception. Under USAID’s Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project, the Reproductive Health activity strengthens supply chains to ensure that key reproductive health commodities are available for safe and reliable family planning.

Contraceptive Implants
Contraceptive Implants
Photo Credit: Tobin Jones/JHPIEGO
Core Activities
Body Text

Our project teams work in 15 priority countries committed to addressing policy, financing, delivery, and socio-economic barriers to accessing contraceptive commodities and information. Activities focus on the following three strategies to ensure equitable access to reproductive health commodities and advance contraceptive security:


  1. Leverage global commodity procurement and logistics to increase availability of health commodities
  2. Offer technical leadership to strengthen global demand and financing, and help ensure availability of existing and promising new reproductive health commodities
  3. Foster more stable, healthier markets by identifying areas in which USAID can improve supply security, affordability, and product appropriateness as well as influence global capacity investments


Current country presence includes: Angola, Burundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, South Sudan, and Zambia.

Key Commodities

Key commodities include:

  • Injectable contraceptives
  • Implantable contraceptives
  • Combined oral contraceptives
  • Copper-bearing intrauterine devices
  • Emergency oral contraceptives
  • Progestin only pills
  • Male condoms
  • Female condoms
  • Fertility-based awareness methods
  • Hormone-releasing intrauterine
  • Other related commodities
Global Goals

With the launch of Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) at the 2012 London Summit on Family Planning, the global community set a goal of enabling 120 million additional women and girls in the world’s 69 poorest countries to access and use contraception by 2020. Since then, nearly half of these target countries have made commitments to address the policy, financing, delivery, and sociocultural barriers to women accessing contraceptive information. The GHSC-PSM project is committed to supporting USAID’s goal of accelerating progress toward reaching 120 million new users through the project’s focus on commodity procurement and system strengthening.

Strategic Partnerships

GHSC-PSM works to build and maintain strategic partnerships and to support USAID’s leadership among key stakeholders in the global community. Most notable in the reproductive health arena is the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, where GHSC-PSM was elected to chair the Systems Strengthening Working Group and is committed to supporting the Coalition’s campaign to end contraceptive stockouts, Take Stock.

Regionally, GHSC-PSM anticipates supporting partnerships in West Africa, where contraceptive prevalence rates are the lowest in the world. The Ouagadougou Partnership, formed in 2011, is working to revitalize efforts toward its goal of reaching at least 2.2 million additional family planning methods users by 2020 in the nine Francophone Africa countries, while the West Africa Health Organization is likewise rising to prominence in the area. GHSC-PSM strives to leverage these collaborations to develop and implement innovations in commodity procurement and distribution.

Tools & Additional Resources

News & Highlights

Success Stories
In the quiet early hours of Harper City, Maryland County in Liberia, Sametta George sits down to write her “to-do” list for the day. As the city stirs awake, Sametta steps out knowing her day as Liberia’s Family Planning Coordinator will veer far from her carefully laid plans. After 23 years of…
News Article
“They told me there was a shortage. Norigynon wasn't available at all, and Depo Provera too. I didn't like the pill because I might forget, and I didn't want to risk it at all.” Leticia Mensah had big dreams. When she got married, she wanted to be a mother but also wanted to continue her…
News Article
Family planning (FP) policies play a crucial role in improving contraceptive use, especially in low- and middle-income countries. However, many policies intended to encourage the availability, uptake, and use of contraceptives by women and their partners lack clear evidence of their effectiveness.…

Success Stories

In the quiet early hours of Harper City, Maryland County in Liberia, Sametta George sits down to write her “to-do” list for the day. As the city stirs awake, Sametta steps out knowing her day as Liberia’s Family Planning Coordinator will veer far from her carefully laid plans. After 23 years of…
Flora Kalimba is the only female among the three task order coordinators at Global Health Supply Chain Program- Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project in Malawi. She is the power behind supply chain management for family planning and maternal, neonatal and child health. Her work…
Poor infrastructure can complicate gathering data in real-time or near real-time to accurately forecast health facility needs for contraceptives and life-saving medicines. In supply chain management, the human element can be just as important when it comes to getting accurate data for decision-…